We thank our sponsors for allowing us to continue to support our children and follow through with our mission here at the Central Texas Table of Grace. Our sponsors are categorized into various donation tiers in order to show our appreciation for their contributions


Lisa Copeland

Dan Crislogo

Cheryl Roberts

Oz & Melissa Straube

The M.S. Doss Foundation, Inc.

Esther Burke



Joe Morales

Gilbert Herbeck

Ashleigh Fletcher

Brenna Bachus

Haley Cochran

Scott Stewart

Saunders Home and
Commercial Services


James Provost

John Krueger

Barbera Schutz

William Miller

Julie Harris

John Harrell

Leonard Gabbay

Charolette Collie

Arther Sandstrom

Mike White

Wayne and Fran Carlisle

Sweeney Family Foundation


Thomas Mackay

Ashley Knight

IE2 Construction

Cassidy Aday

David Church

Network for Good

Community Partners

Round Rock

Grace Lutheran

Round Rock Woman’s Club

Faithful Friends (Recurring Donors)

Andrea GonzalezHaley CochranMelyssa Fratkin
Audrey PerryJacob HamiltonMichele D. Roi
Betsy ChristoJustin ChenMisty Hildebrand
BNI Circle of TrustKaren BrennerNancy Rhett
Casey ClemKristy RuizPaul Kida
Craig ShempertLailah ShorterPhilip Olson
Daniel DowdyLaura JonesRachel Zunker
Daniel WhiteLee Ann SeitsingerShalini Mendelsohn
David ChurchLeslie AvilaShannon Reeves
David SundeLill O'Neall GentryShayne Eddleman
Don EddlemanLisa VogelmanSheila Moldenhauer
Elaina BroadwellMaples Jones PPLCStacy Johnson
Elizabeth BJ BludauMarvin RagsdaleTheresa Engdahl
Genuine Automotive and DieselMaryJane CovingtonWendy Williamson Nakfoor
Gregory GothamMatthew SandlinWilliam Stremple